মঙ্গলবার, ১২ মার্চ, ২০১৯

Where the soul stay after death, know its mystery?

Where the soul stay after death, know its mystery

The word the soul is a highly criticized word. Different religions have been defined in different ways. However, the exact definition of the soul word in other religions has not been found even today. Only the definition of the word the soul is found in Islam. In the Holy Quran, the soul is called the soul or the self. There is no existence of the soul before attachment to the body in Islam. The body or the soul also existed at the same time. All the activities of mankind have the active role of the soul. The human soul is a wonderful and mysterious creation of Allah. The soul revives the body and stimulates the body. There may be a soul besides the body, but the body without spirit is inaccessible. The human body is a tool for obedience to the spirit. He is ready to make the order.

Where is the person's soul when he sleeps? No one knows when he's asleep. And people are ignorant about the different world in sleep. Have you ever thought about the world? Today we will know where the human soul is. According to Islam religion, when the soul was sleeping, his soul was taken up to heaven. But the reliable definition of the soul or spirit is that the soul is a part of the organism. When a person is alive, then there is a soul in his body and when a man dies, then the soul goes out from his body. Then there is no value in his body, the body is completely stagnant. However, according to Islam, if a person has done good or full work, his soul is taken to the cause of Paradise. And if you do evil or do evil, then the soul is immersed in hell.

No person comes back to the world after death. It is not possible. However, the Indian Hindu community thinks that the soul is a fundamental concept of Indian religion and philosophy. There are two contrasting opinions about the idea of ​​the soul in the oriental and inclined forms. The soul is generally considered to be a permanent spiritual entity. This entity lives on the body and dies and dies after death. The belief in rebirth and birthstone after death is the belief of Hindus and Buddhists. According to their conception, if people are good workers on earth, they will be returned to life after being reborn as righteous people after death. And evil people come back to the world in various animals such as dogs, cats, pigs, etc.

শেয়ার করুন


আমি একজন অতি সামান্য মানুষ। পেশায় একজন লেখক,ব্লগার এবং ইউটিউবার। লেখালেখি করতে খুব ভালো লাগে। আমার এই সামান্য প্রয়াসের মাধ্যমে মানুষের কিছু শেখাতে পারা ও বিনোদন দেওয়ার মাধ্যমে আনন্দ খুঁজে পায়।

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