সোমবার, ৫ আগস্ট, ২০১৯

How many misconceptions about blood pressure.

How many misconceptions about blood pressure.

High blood pressure is considered a major risk factor for major diseases like stroke, kidney disease, blindness, etc. There are many people around us who suffer from hypertension but do not know or care about this. Many people have different misconceptions about high blood pressure. Let us know what our misconceptions are.

Is hypertension just an adult problem?

Many people believe that blood pressure is not necessary if not older. Because hypertension is in adults. The idea is wrong. Hypertension can occur at a relatively young age. Even young people can be. So sometimes everyone should have their blood pressure measured. Many people think that blood pressure can increase slightly with age, there is nothing to worry about. This idea is also wrong. Regardless of whether blood pressure is at normal levels at any age, it should be treated.

Eat drugs when high blood pressure:

Many people say that when blood pressure is high, only take medicines. Then when it comes back to normal, do not eat anymore. It's dangerous Blood pressure medications are usually taken regularly. Do not be discontinued or occasionally excluded without the doctor's advice. If the blood pressure is too low then the dosage or type of medication can be changed at the doctor's suggestion.

Tamarind can reduce blood pressure absolutely wrong idea:

When blood pressure rises, many eat tamarind, and many eat lemon chips. The blood pressure is reduced. This belief has no scientific basis. Rather, eating salty and salty things can increase blood pressure.

Doesn't that mean blood pressure is normal?

My head-neck does not hurt, does not rotate, and sleep is good, these problems do not mean I do not have high blood pressure, it is wrong. In most cases, there are no symptoms of hypertension. The routine checkup is done. So regular blood pressure should be measured.

Is a hypertensive patient not allowed to eat eggs?

High blood pressure is strictly prohibited in the patient. Additional salty foods, such as pickles, pickles, sauces, and processed or packaged foods, cannot be eaten. But eggs and milk are not forbidden. However, to avoid heart disease and stroke, low-fat foods should be eaten in fat and oil.

It's not okay to take more than one drug a day:

Many people have been taking one drug for many years and have blood pressure under control. Still want to change that. Because taking one drug for a long time may not be right. This is also a misconception. There is no need to change the drug without any reason. Blood pressure control is the key.

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আমি একজন অতি সামান্য মানুষ। পেশায় একজন লেখক,ব্লগার এবং ইউটিউবার। লেখালেখি করতে খুব ভালো লাগে। আমার এই সামান্য প্রয়াসের মাধ্যমে মানুষের কিছু শেখাতে পারা ও বিনোদন দেওয়ার মাধ্যমে আনন্দ খুঁজে পায়।

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